Sunday, 22 September 2013

Lighting John Hedgecoe

Lighting is the equipment at home, workplace and a studio for producing light. Also the arrangement and effects of the lights.                               
Photography is about light, and in fact, it can be defined as recording the light. Lighting is also one of the hardest things to get right in a photograph. To shoot images that stands out of the crowd, an understanding the light source is critical. 

This paragraph has come from this link:

I found this website useful because it has a clear layout and it explains to you about the different colour of the lighting like smooth colours represents calm moods. Also it gives you tips on how and why to use the flash.

Both of these photos represents lighting because the image below you can see the lighting is coming from the left hand side and is spreading over the rest in the image and lady. For the image above gives a strong lighting effect on the hands which shows you the detail of his body.
I like both of these photos as it gives you detail about the picture as for where most of the lighting is also it outlines the bodies and the other objects that are in the image.

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