Monday, 23 September 2013

Depth of field Annie Leibovitz

Depth of field is the distance between the nearest object and the furthest object.

This photo shows a clear understanding of depth of field as the nearest object is the lady running down the steps and the furthest object is on top of the steps which is the castle. This image is a long depth of field, also this image has been taken in focus considering all of it is clear.
My eyes always go straight to the castle at the top, this is because you can still see the image even though it is misty.
Some of this information has come from this link:
I found this useful as it gives you an explanation on photos and tells you what is a good example of depth of field and which is not.
A bad link would be:
This is bad because you don't know who wrote it and also who could have changed the information it provided.

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